134 - Jesus Huerta: 3D Printing, Entrepreneurship, and Inclusion
JESUS HUERTA is an elementary school teacher, instructor for the Krause Center for Innovation, a 3D print enthusiast, a futurist, and a believer that technology is for everyone. Follow Jesus … On Twitter @JesusH1979 (https://twitter.com/jesush1979) On Instagram @MrHuertasClass (https://www.instagram.com/mrhuertasclass/) On his class blog at https://mrhuertasclass.weebly.com/. On his 3D Printing Resources Page at https://www.easyas123d.org/. Visit https://teachersonfire.net/ for all the show notes and links from this episode! Connect with the Teachers on Fire podcast on social media: On Twitter @TeachersOnFire (https://twitter.com/TeachersOnFire) On Instagram @TeachersOnFire (https://www.instagram.com/teachersonfire/) On Facebook @TeachersOnFire (https://www.facebook.com/TeachersOnFire/) On LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/TimWCavey On The Teachers on Fire Magazine: https://medium.com/teachers-on-fire On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/teachersonfire Song Track Credits Sunrise Drive by South London Hifi* Anthem by The Grand Affair* Coupe by The Grand Affair Species by Diamond Ortiz *courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library at https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music) --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/teachersonfire/support