121 - SPARK - Twelve Google Classroom Strategies to Start Using Today
Welcome to SPARKS: mini-segments intended to spark your thinking and ignite your practice. These short episodes are based on my written reflections, which you can find on the Teachers on Fire Magazine at Medium.com. Read the blog post featured in this episode at https://medium.com/teachers-on-fire/12-google-classroom-hacks-to-start-using-today-d9c067fac4fb. Visit the home of Teachers on Fire at https://teachersonfire.net/. Song Track Credits: Anthem by The Grand Affair Species by Diamond Ortiz Sunrise Drive by South London Hifi Sunny Morning by Bruno E. *All songs retrieved from the YouTube Audio Library at https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/teachersonfire/support