Episode 115: Budget Deal, Dream Center Controversy, and State Authorization Challenges
This week on "Off The Cuff," in an extended episode to wrap up the season, Justin, Megan, Stephen, Allie, and NASFAA Policy Analyst Jill Desjean discuss the outstanding questions with the Department of Education's recent announcement that the 2016 final rules on state authorization took effect—by court order—on May 26, 2019, and that California specifically does not meet the regulatory requirements in the final rules for students enrolled in distance education or correspondence programs. Skip ahead to 27:50 to jump right into the discussion. The team this week also examined the details of Congress' recent budget deal and its implications for student aid, and an article from The New York Times that puts into question ED's involvement in the collapse of the Dream Center-held for-profit institutions. This was also the last episode for Stephen, and the last (for a few months) for Megan—share your comments, questions, and well wishes using our feedback form!