Episode 14: Side Effects
Myra and Dax decide to take Porter on a climbing trip. It ends up not being the relaxing outing they was hoping for.This episode is sponsored by Ecosia. Use Ecosia instead of Google and help regenerate deforested areas around the globe. You're going to search the web anyway, why not plant a tree while you're at it? Visit ecosia.co/boom for more information.Did you enjoy this episode? Please rate us and leave a review! Also, don't forget to subscribe so you won't miss any episodes! If you're interested in hearing bonus content, getting discounts and exclusive merch, and access to other goodies, join Patreon! You can also support us by getting some sweet swag (is that a thing people still say?) at our TeeSpring store! Visit the website at Boom.ObserverPictures.com for links to all of that plus ways to follow us on social media!