Horror Stories | The Horrifying World of Johnny Piers

The Horrifying World of Johnny PiersSpooky Boo's Scary Story TimeAlong the coast of Northern California somewhere between Bodega Bay and Jenner lies the fictional town of Sandcastle. Bordering the beautiful waves of the Pacific to deep within the redwood forest, there is something inhuman about the area. Evil is masked by everyday crime and grows with the population. No one really knows where it manifests, but there have been rumors about the lake and the spirit of a woman who appears in the dreams of wicked men. Join the citizens of the Sandcastle and their fight between good and evil within the short horror stories of the Scary Story Time saga. More information at www.scarystorytime.com.The Golden Gate JumperMusic"This House" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Licensehttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/Horror Stories | The Voices in Johnny Piers HeadThe Voices in Johnny Piers' Head takes you on a little preview of Johnny and his girlfriend and what happened days before that fateful day of Johnny's jump off the Golden Gate Bridge. The redwood forest of Sandcastle, California is an evil place where terror awaits anyone who goes there. Johnny's worst nightmare happens before his eyes and no one cares about the horror he witnessed so he does the unthinkable to be with his love.Horror Stories | The Lady of the LakeSomeone isn't very happy with his family and when he meets the lady of the lake out in the Sandcastle forest, well, he learns a few details about the townspeople and his wife. When he is taken over by some mind control parasite, he does the unthinkable to his wife and the town. Let's just say you may not want to eat chili anymore.Intro Music--"The End is Near" by MYUU-------------------About Spooky BooSpooky Boo Rhodes is both an author and a podcaster. She has three podcasts available: Spooky Boo's Scary Story Time where she writes her own stories and tells them on the podcast, Creepypasta and Scary Stories where she tells the creepy stories of the internet written by other authors, and Creepy True Scary Stories where people send in their own true scary stories for Spooky Boo to read.Follow Spooky Boo RhodesWebsite: https://www.scarystorytime.comTwitter: https://www.twitter.com/spookyboorhodesInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/spookybooscarystorytimeFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/spookybooscarystorytimeBuy books by Boo Rhodes on AmazonAmazon: https://amzn.to/2UjYcUXGet the monthly Spooky Boosletter, stories in PDF format, fun random spooky stuff, and support the podcasts on Patreon athttps://www.spookyboo.clubSpooky Boo Merchandisehttps://www.scarystorytime.com/merchandiseScary Story Time PodcastScary Story Time is the world of horror written by Spooky Boo Rhodes. Here you will find scary stories of ghosts, haunted houses, vampires, werewolves, paranormal events, monsters, demons, cryptids, aliens, witches, and the unknown. The mystical entities in Sandcastle have been fighting the world of good vs. evil since time began. Today, crime hides within the realm of evil and very few can tell the difference. Visit https://www.scarystorytime.com for more info.Creepypasta Scary StoriesStories written by amateur authors and told across the internet from sources such as the Creepypasta Wiki, Reddit, and even sent in to Spooky Boo. These stories are not written by Spooky Boo Rhodes. For more information on these stories and the original creepypasta links, visit my website at https://www.creepypastascarystories.comTrue Creepy Scary StoriesCreepy True Scary Stories sent in to Spooky Boo Rhodes by listeners to read on the podcast. Visit https://www.creepytruescarystories.comDon't like commercials? Check out my Patreon/Newsletter page at https://www.patreon.com/spookybooscarystorytime where you will get a commercial-free version of all 3 of my podcasts and other sweet spooky treats.Visit Spooky Boo's favorite punk band at https://www.officialstayout.comThis podcast includes stories of a dark nature and may not be suitable for all listeners. If you're comfortable listening to stories that are paranormal or twisted dark horror then this podcast is for you.

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