Episode 6 - Second Magic
It’s Jason’s birthday, which Kane has to remind him to actually celebrate. A couple more ‘coincidences’ has Kane wondering if maybe there’s something to the magic idea after all. ----more---- Written by Erin Kyan Produced by Passer Vulpes Productions Recorded by Kermie Breydon Kane voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne Jason voiced by Erin Kyan Credits voiced by Roslyn Quin Cover art by Soufex Parsons Cope: http://soufexdraws.tumblr.com/ Transcript of this episode: https://www.loveandluckpodcast.com/transcripts-blog/2018/11/9/episode-6-second-magic Captioned video of this episode: https://youtu.be/3fdrhmnpWV8 Find out more about us at https://loveandluckpodcast.com, and follow @LoveLuckPodcast on twitter, or on Facebook as Love and Luck Podcast.