Episode Seven: Advice
“With no invites, the crew decides against going to the Starluxe Gala, but Cesa decides to reach out to one more person for advice.” **The transcript can be found at the bottom of this episode description** - - Cast and Crew of Today's Episode: Cap was voiced by Jona Lune Cesa was voiced by Lanessa Tremblett Lutiga was voiced by Nicole Tuttle Medic was voiced by Brad Valzin was voiced by Tal Minear Advisor Maesejo was voiced by Joshua Zediker Advice was written by Sterling Rae and Ali Hylton Sound Editing was by Xander Music was composed and performed by Benny James Novitero is a Goose Thunder Network Produced Podcast - Follow us: Tumblr/Twitter/Instagram: @noviteropodcast Website: http://bit.ly/SRpods Fan Discord: https://discord.gg/VMyk58r - Transcript: http://bit.ly/NOVIep7