Case of the Neon Nightmare: Episode 1 - Part 3
After a long night's rest, Jack heads to a robot boxing match with Scarlet to get a first hand look at the Dead Rose's match fixing. However, he is in for a big surprise that may cost him his life. It's part 3 of the Case of the Neon Nightmare! Co-Created by Will Snyder and Rachel Craig An Evil Kitten Production | Theme Song: Daniel Carl | Additional Music: Kevin MacLeod and Dr. Saxlove Jack Tracer: Will Snyder Scarlet: Rachel Craig Bartender: Carly Genovese Russ Elliot: Aaron Sarka Connie Comisky: Sarah Sarka Thug: David Bennett Narration: John Patrick Wencel Facebook: | Twitter: @Jack_Tracer *****LEAVE US A 5 STAR REVIEW ON ITUNES***** Please share and subscribe See for privacy and opt-out information.