Ep 15 Wrestlemania Weekend Recap! Han Solo, Supercard of Honor, NXT: Takeover, and Wrestlemania 34!
This week we hit the mat and take on, over 15 hours of wrestling content that came over WrestleMania weekend! We're talking ROH: Supercard of Honor, NXT: Takeover and of course WrestleMania 34. Solo's new trailer also snuck into this epic weekend and we look ahead to the future of WWE with next weeks superstar shuffle.
Time Stamps
Intro: 00:00
Solo: 00:41
Wrestling: 06:55
Supercard of Honor: 08:25
NXT:Takeover: 22:28
Wrestlemania34: 55:00
This week on
Raw: 1:59:27
Smackdown: 2:15:30
Who would we shuffle in the superstar shuffle: 2:18:28
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