Creepypasta and Scary Stories Episode 30: Dinner With Vivianna by K. Banning Kellum

Original story: byMyuuEXCERPTShe mutilated a bird. That’s what started it. See, everyone was saying how weird she was. She would sit in silence, eat lunch alone, and walk with her head down. On paper, it would seem that her self-esteem was just low enough to make her a perfect candidate to date me. People left her alone for the most part. Some of the girls called her Lydia, like from Beetlejuice I guess, while a few others asked her once or twice if she worshiped Satan. That was about the extent of it though. She wasn’t really focused on until the bird incident. No one knows why she did it either, and with my luck, I missed it when it happened. Kids were saying though that she was seen at lunch slicing open a bird on one of the outdoor stone tables near the cafeteria. See, Warren Easton was located about a half mile from downtown New Orleans, so we got a lot of pigeons. Most of the kids would toss them bread during lunch, so these birds knew where to come everyday for a good meal. According to the rumor mill, Vivianna had managed to catch one. Kids were watching as she gently picked the bird up, laid it down on the table before her, and proceeded to use a fork (yes, a fork) to slice it open down the stomach. People watched on in shock and awe as she then dipped her finger into its open guts and took a taste of its blood.About Spooky BooSpooky Boo Rhodes is both an author and a podcaster. She has three podcasts available: Spooky Boo's Scary Story Time where she writes her own stories and tells them on the podcast, Creepypasta and Scary Stories where she tells the creepy stories of the internet written by other authors, and Creepy True Scary Stories where people send in their own true scary stories for Spooky Boo to read.Follow Spooky Boo RhodesWebsite: https://www.scarystorytime.comTwitter: the monthly Spooky Boosletter and support the podcasts on Patreon athttps://www.spookyboo.clubSpooky Boo Merchandise Story Time PodcastScary Story Time is the world of horror written by Spooky Boo Rhodes. Here you will find scary stories of ghosts, haunted houses, vampires, werewolves, paranormal events, monsters, demons, cryptids, aliens, witches, and the unknown. The mystical entities in Sandcastle have been fighting the world of good vs. evil since time began. Today, crime hides within the realm of evil and very few can tell the difference. Visit for more info.Creepypasta Scary StoriesStories written by amateur authors and told across the internet from sources such as the Creepypasta Wiki, Reddit, and even sent in to Spooky Boo. These stories are not written by Spooky Boo Rhodes. For more information on these stories and the original creepypasta links, visit my website at https://www.creepypastascarystories.comTrue Creepy Scary StoriesCreepy True Scary Stories sent in to Spooky Boo Rhodes by listeners to read on the podcast. Visit https://www.creepytruescarystories.comDon't like commercials? Check out my Patreon/Newsletter page at where you will get a commercial-free version of all 3 of my podcasts and other sweet spooky treats.Visit Spooky Boo's favorite punk band at https://www.officialstayout.comThis podcast includes stories of a dark nature and may not be suitable for all listeners. If you're comfortable listening to stories that are paranormal or twisted dark horror then this podcast is for you.

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