Creepypasta and Scary Stories Episode 5: Three Creepy Stories About Being Watched
Three Creepy Stories About Being WatchedYou feel the hair on your neck stand up. You know there is something or someone watching you and when you look, there is no one there but two glowing eyes...what is it? WHO is it?Listen to scary stories with Spooky Boo.The answers may not be that simple. Here are 3 scary creepypasta stories about being watched.Music by Myuu. Story details at out my other podcasts:Creepy California True Scary StoriesScary Story Time where I tell stories I have written about a very scary place called Sandcastle, California.If you would like to listen to all of my stories in one podcast, visithttp://www.spookyboo.clubScary Story Timehttps://www.scarystorytime.comTwitter