Episode 403 - Bargaining
Locke bargains with Dr. Barton in order to achieve the next step in his plan, while CSU Young has a disagreement with Sheriff Burke. For more information on this and any show from Haunted Griffin Entertainment, visit our website at http://www.hauntedgriffin.com or follow us on social media (Twitter: @TunnelsPodcast or @hauntedgriffin, Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HauntedGriffinEntertainment). To help support us, become a Patron at https://www.patreon.com/hauntedgriffin or visit our TeePublic store at https://www.teepublic.com/user/hauntedgriffin. Don't forget to rate and review us on the platform of your choice! Our AudioDrama Spotlight was on Less is Morgue. For more information on Less is Morgue visit https://lessismorgue.com/