Episode 401 - Aftershocks
Season 4 Premiere! Six months have passed since the eclipse. Robert and Barnabas are still missing. Locke has went into hiding. The vessel has been revealed. However, now something is coming. Something that will change everything. For more information on this and any show from Haunted Griffin Entertainment, visit our website at http://www.hauntedgriffin.com or follow us on social media (Twitter: @TunnelsPodcast or @hauntedgriffin, Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HauntedGriffinEntertainment). To help support us, become a Patron at https://www.patreon.com/hauntedgriffin or visit our TeePublic store at https://www.teepublic.com/user/hauntedgriffin. Don't forget to rate and review us on the platform of your choice! Our AudioDrama Spotlight was on Broken Bard Studios and Darksend. For more information on them, visit their website at http://brokenbardstudios.com/.