Episode 232 - SFGT | Old Time Radio - There are Shadows Here [Quiet,Please - Remastered]
Old Time Radio - There are Shadows Here [Remastered] Station: Quiet, Please Link: https://www.quietplease.org/episodes/there-are-shadows-here-49.html Synopsis: "There Are Shadows Here" explores the workings of fate and also of the mind. There are shadows without anything making the shadows, and there are people without shadows. Both represent danger. Although the episode isn't among the best, the ending is truly a classic example of the emotion that Quiet, Please tries to achieve. Links to check out: Quiet, Please Link: www.quietplease.org/ Visit me here: www.storiesfablesghost.wixsite.com/storiesfables Send me your stories here: StoriesFablesGhostlyTales@gmail.com Help the Podcast grow and support me on iTunes: goo.gl/Bw4kXP Thank you all for listening! ******** Contact / Links / Extra information below: Go on, leave an iTunes Review: goo.gl/Bw4kXP #Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/StoriesFablesGhostlyTales #Twitter: twitter.com/StoriesFablesGT #Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCjtTN-6a_PS38eO90wzcNew