Episode 212 - SFGT | One Drop at a Time 1/3 [Kyle Brant a Trevor Underwood]
One Drop at a Time - Original Story [PART 1/3] Author #1: Kyle Brant Author #2: Trevor Underwood Part 2: http://bit.ly/2E9W5xz Synopsis: Two detectives are working a murder case, only to realise they may have stumbled on something far larger than they first thought. Visit me here: www.storiesfablesghost.wixsite.com/storiesfables Send me your stories mates! StoriesFablesGhostlyTales@gmail.com Welcome listeners! Today I have for a new Story by Kyle Brant and Trevor Underwood titled One Drop at a Time. A #murder #mystery fiction, where our two detectives discover a body that leads them onto an murder case like no other. Join me for today's unique story by two authors with talent. Feel free to leave feedback, and thank you so much for listening! ******** Contact / Links / Extra information below: Go on, leave an iTunes Review: goo.gl/Bw4kXP #Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/StoriesFablesGhostlyTales #Twitter: twitter.com/StoriesFablesGT #Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCjtTN-6a_PS38eO90wzcNew All Music and Public Domain: CO.AG - goo.gl/hQZW8Z Myuuji - www.youtube.com/user/myuuji NCM: www.youtube.com/channel/UCHEioEoqyFPsOiW8CepDaYg ********