tBotNS 1:18 The Destruction of the Altar - Gene Wolfe’s The Shadow of the Torturer, The Book of the New Sun
Severian and Agia take off for the Botanical Gardens. They get in a street race. They crash into the Cathedral of the Pelerines. The Claw goes missing. Links: CS Lewis Discusses God and Time and the First, Second, and Third Persons of the Trinity in ways that, James thinks, are especially applicable to the First and Second Severian: 4:3 Time and Beyond Time 4:4 Good Infection Samuel R. Delaney about the blow up over Gene Wolfe's teaching methods at Clarion Mike Bennewitz shares his theory about elevation and the hierarchy of Severian's advesaries Charles Gillingham stirs it up about the First Severian on FB Bruce Pennington vs Mandelorian? Gene Wolfe Fan Fiction - This episode is sponsored by Uber Duber. - You can also get episodes on your podcast app or on our Youtube channel. If you have problems accessing the podcast on your favorite platform, let us know. - Questions, comments, corrections, additions, alternate theories? Connect with us on on Facebook ...or on Twitter @rereadingwolfe ...or on Instagram: rereadingwolfepodcast ...or on Reddit: rereadingwolfepodcast - Intro from "The Alligator", Annihilation soundtrack by Ben Salisbury and Geoff Barrow Clip from "I Am the Bandersnatch" from "The Hunting of the Snark" Outro from "Rapid Roy (That Stock Car Boy)" by Jim Croce Logo art by SonOfWitz Outros and alternate outros are cued on the Rereading Wolfe Podcast Spotify playlist IF the songs are available on Spotify.