College News Fit to Digest. April 25, 2020
Episode summary introduction: Making sense of the College News of the week curated by Alma Matters. Coronavirus continues to drive the news. Shveta Bagade, College Counselor gives us her take on the news. Topics discussed in this episode: Fall Semester. On campus or Online? [2:08] Gap Year. How to go about it? [6:19] SAT/ACT tests at home? [9:16] Our Guest: Shveta Bagade, College Counselor based in Silicon Valley California. Resources mentioned in this episode: Curated News at Alma Matters[1:16] PhilonEdTech[2:08] Post Gazette[2:08] NPR[2:08] The Daily Pennsylvanian [6:19] CNBC[6:19] US News[9:16] ABC News 15[9:16] Calls-to-action: It is imperative to redraw the College Lists based on the ongoing events and we offer a FREE review of the College List by our Counselors. Email the list to with the Subject: “College List” along with your profile. Please Subscribe or Follow our podcasts at any of these locations: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, RadioPublic, Breaker, Anchor