College Applications? Think Differently in the COVID-19 world
Episode Title: College Applications? Think Differently in the COVID-19 world Episode summary introduction: As COVID-19 rolls and roils the globe, it is changing the US College landscape. Colleges are facing huge financial losses which could shake things up structurally. The students a families have challenges of their own which could upend their future plans. In this Episode, we are focused on how college-bound students who plan to enter college in Fall 2021 should approach their College Applications in the COVID-19 world. It is time to re-tool your College List! in particular, we would like to explore the following: How colleges and other stakeholders are impacted by the pandemic? What has changed for the future college students? How can students turn adversity and uncertainty into advantage with their College Applications? Shveta Bagade, College Counselor from SIlicon Valley California will help us through the discussion and offer guidance to rising senior students worldwide. Topics discussed in this episode: SAT/ACT testing postponed a Colleges going Test Optional [1:17] Increased College Acceptance Rates for Class of 2024 [8:29] The prospect of fewer international student applications [11:38] How to reclaim your summer [15:34] Family Financial Challenges [19:17] Time to Retool your College List [23:33] Our Guest: Shveta Bagade is a College Counselor in Silicon Valley, California for the last 5 years. Shveta's students have been accepted into prestigious public colleges like the University of California colleges as well as elite private universities and liberal arts colleges. Resources mentioned in this episode: College Board [1:17] SAT Test dates ACT [1:17] ACT schedules Alma Matters [1:17] Test Optional Colleges College Board [1:17]. AP Online tests Alma Matters [8:29] College Acceptance Rates Calls-to-action: Email with the Subject: “College List” to retool your current college list along with your profile. Don't have a college list? We can guide you as well.