FridayFix Episode # : Books a Beer Vidcast
ARealGirl and the FDØ recently did a “Books a Beer” vidcast to discuss the realities of being an author in the digital age. Crack open a brew, watch, and enjoy. Also, Evo and Jeff from Books a Beer are trying to lock up a pair of panels at South by Southwest (SXSW). Give ’em some Junkie love by taking two minutes to click here, read what they want you to do, and then voting. And, yeah, Evo is the man behind, which gives you all of Scott’s stories for free, so we’d love to help him out. And here’s a little video I did to put in the feed so subscribers would know the Books a Beer interview was here (it’s too long to put in the feed, would keeeeeel your bandwidth). It’s me packing for Dragon*Con! It’s funny! Maybe! Click here to download the video.