FridayFix Episode # : Update of Doom!
Today’s FridayFix™ is just to share with y’all some of the happenings around the ‘ol Lair of Døøm™. Our publication deadlines are heating up, but we have many things to share with y’all. Below are the links — it’s like an orgy of information! The Google Currents, Future Dark Øverlord edition! (Get our content on your iPhone, Android, tablet, etc.) The ROOKIE Curriculum Guide by Sheila Unwin(Free download! teach THE ROOKIE in class) THE REPORTER by Mur Lafferty and Scott Sigler(Is finally for sale! Get it for your Kindle) SiglerFest 2012 is open for registration!(Vegas, baby! Live it up with us Oct 12-13!) All those, plus we’re cleaning up around the site. Sprucing up the book pages, the About section, stuff like that. Making things spiffy as we head into the GFL summer. In particular, if you want Scott to do someting for you (be on your podcast, be at your con, etc.), make sure you check out the new requests page.