FridayFix Episode # : SiglerFest 2012 information poll!
Yes, I know you guys want details on how to book your Las Vegas travel arrangements for SiglerFest. Yes, I know you’re anxious to start planning your glorious trip. Trust me, I want you guys to climb on-board the SiglerFest train too — just give me a little bit more time to get things ready for you. In the meantime, you can help shape the event by clicking here and filling out this survey for me. A few things to note: Information from folks who really think they might attend is the most useful. Everyone’s welcome to complete the survey, but it’s quite specific to likely attendees. We plan to record the event for sharing here on the site at a later date. Live-streaming the event is unlikely due to hotel restrictions, but we’ll capture what we can and share as we’re able. The hotel isn’t finalized as yet. We’re trying hard, but it’s still not quite done. We strongly advise you to wait until you hear official details in this feed before making any arrangements. Current plan is for informal gathering on Thursday night for anyone who has already arrived, SiglerFest 2012 Friday and Saturday with informal evening things, and unstructured Sunday morning prior to departure. Registration costs are not yet finalized, but will likely be ~$40 or so. That’s it kids! Help me make a great event by completing the survey!