2x10 The Monsters let Themselves in
Aveline is on the hunt, but will our guests find out in time? TRANSCRIPT: http://bit.ly/DITV2x10 CONTENT WARNINGS: identity theft, discussion of surgery, discussion of head trauma, discussion of death, unconsciousness, the military, loud screams and cries of pain, electrical charge, discussion of past trauma and death, depiction of someone being drugged, and kidnapping. WEBSITE: https://zebulonpodcasts.wixsite.com/main/ditv TWITTER: https://twitter.com/dininginthevoid TUMBLR: https://dininginthevoid.tumblr.com/ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/dininginthevoid/ MERCH: https://www.teepublic.com/user/zebulonpodcasts *Spoilers in the credits* CAST: AVELINE LION - Ari Delyne, Sterling Rae GALATEA IVORY - Molly Alexander TALA - Nat MARS KOBE - Emmett Moon ANDRO ARMANDO - Frank Zinsius GI GREEN - Nic Fray ELORY GREEN - Cedric SAWYER GREEN - Dylan Shane R - Ali Hylton PRODUCED BY Zebulon Podcasts WRITTEN BY Ali Hylton SCRIPT EDITED BY Nic Fray MUSIC COMPOSED BY Benny James and Ali Hylton AUDIO EDITED BY Nikko Goldstein with assistance from Brad Colbroock and Tal Minear. Additional sound effects from Freesound.org and zapsplat.com CREATED BY Ali Hylton