2x07 Reunited
Katie Belle is reunited with her found family, the crew of the Galaxydancer. Together they will fight their way back to the Sirius Station to save their friends. But of course nothing is ever that easy. TRANSCRIPT: http://bit.ly/DITV2x07 CONTENT WARNINGS: unconsciousness, explosions and laser fire, discussion of gunfire, discussion of death, discussion of war, and an explosion at the end of the episode followed by a loud scream. WEBSITE: https://zebulonpodcasts.wixsite.com/main/ditv TWITTER: https://twitter.com/dininginthevoid TUMBLR: https://dininginthevoid.tumblr.com/ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/dininginthevoid/ MERCH: https://www.teepublic.com/user/zebulonpodcasts CAST: KATIE BELLE SNOW - Lindsay Zana ANTARES - Sarah McManus THEODORIC OAKFOR - Luke Campbell NEFELI - Stacey Cotham ALARIA ENYO - Tara Santora ADLER ARTEMAS - Michael Grisso WAVERLY BLACK - Sterling Rae MARS KOBE - Emmett Moon GI GREEN - Nic Fray ELORY GREEN - Cedric SAWYER GREEN - Dylan Shane GALATEA IVORY - Molly Alexander CASSIE WILLIAMS - Jenni Penn R - Ali Hylton PRODUCED BY Zebulon Podcasts WRITTEN BY Ali Hylton SCRIPT EDITED BY Cassie Josephs MUSIC COMPOSED BY Benny James and Ali Hylton AUDIO EDITED BY Nikko Goldstein, with assistance from Tal Minear and Brad Colbroock. Additional sound effects from Freesound.org and zapsplat.org CREATED BY Ali Hylton