Zebulon ShakesQueer Company - A Midsummer Night's Dream Trailer
Zebulon Podcasts has a new show! If you're a fan of the Shakespeare and want to hear queer takes on some of the Bard's famous works, check out The Zebulon ShakesQueer Company! The first production will be A Midsummer Night's Dream, featuring some familiar voices from our show, and some brand new ones. Fall under our spell – A Midsummer Night’s Dream is coming in spring 2020! Transcript here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LxJLsmhoWz_mB92scfILgelYx7fL4etR/view A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare, presented by the Zebulon ShakesQueer Company. For more information, transcripts, and full credits for cast and crew, visit our website: https://zebulonpodcasts.wixsite.com/main/zebulon-shakesqueer-company. All sound effects are either produced in-house or are licensed under Creative Commons 0.