LOTF 10: Getting Honest with Grady Hendrix
In this episode, Mackenzie and Lisa chat with Grady Hendrix. We talk about his history with theater, bad author events, the appropriate number of cats, and his philosophy of honest writing. Grady Hendrix has written about the confederate flag for Playboy magazine, terrible movie novelizations for Film Comment, and Jean-Claude Van Damme for Slate. He’s covered machine gun collector conventions, written award shows for Chinese television, and answered the phone for a parapsychological research organization. His novel, Horrorstör, about a haunted IKEA, has been translated into 14 languages and is currently being developed into a television series. His most recent novel, My Best Friend's Exorcism, is now out in paperback, and he’s the screenwriter of 2017’s Mohawk, a horror movie set during the War of 1812. He recently won a Stoker Award for Paperbacks from Hell, a non-fiction history of horror paperbacks in the Seventies and Eighties. Show Notes: Will Errickson, of Too Much Horror Fiction blog Doogie Horner, Art Director at Quirk Books Jason Rekulak, Quirk Books Publisher Andie Reid, Senior Director at Quirk Books Timothy O'Donnell Ginger Snaps (2000) The Howling by Gary Brandner WE FORGOT TO MENTION Mongrels by Stephen Graham Jones when talking about werewolf stories. MAJOR FAUX PAUX, Mackenzie and Lisa. Major faux faux. Video: Russian Woman Escapes Attack From Polar Bear Brandon Sanderson Kim Stanley Robinson Stephen King Clive Barker Shirley Jackson Thomas Ligotti Guy N. Smith Find Grady: http://www.gradyhendrix.com My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George Redwall by Brian Jacques The Giver by Lois Lowry Nancy Drew The Boxcar Children Stephen King favorites: Salem's Lot Pet Sematary The Green Mile The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon It