020 The Monster That Threatened The Universe
From Chaos a space-consuming creature reached slimy tentacles toward trembling planets. And no man of the old fighting breed remained on effete Earth to battle the invulnerable monster."The Monster That Threatened the Universe" by R. R. Winterbotham, Read by Adam TagarroLicensing and Copyright InformationBackground music during the story, courtesy of ChristianBodhi on Pixabay (Voyager Probe – Deep Space)Subsonic Rumble Noise by sandyrb on Freesound.org (https://freesound.org/people/sandyrb/sounds/84347/)Dragon Roar sound effect by JoelAudio on Freesound.org (https://freesound.org/people/JoelAudio/sounds/85568/)Photo by Noah Buscher on UnsplashAll other music, art, and sound effects featured on this episode are original, created by me. This story is not covered by copyright, as it is in the Public Domain: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/61870 (Bibrec tab)