Dune - Chapter 8
Don’t get too excited that we’re on Arrakis, or Dr. Yueh will tranq you. We follow Jessica to the south wing of the house. She encounters Yueh, and he will have to employ all of the tricks his Wanna taught him to avoid detection as the traitor. Wait, she only taught him one?!? The wine servok is up and running giving us more time to talk about… -Wellington Yueh, Big Game Hunter. -Jessica missing some red flags. -Is Tupile a package deal? -And more controversial than ever, the Glossary Game! Episode Guide 02:10 Chapter Summary Begins 01:14:10 Suk Diamond Tatoo 01:22:50 Worm Theory 01:28:00 Glossary Game: https://dune.fandom.com/wiki/Servok (Servok, )https://dune.fandom.com/wiki/Schlag (Schlag) Wine https://www.intrinsicwineco.com/ (Intrinsic) Red Blend “A perfect blend of dryness and full flavor body that we expect at Spice World.” Support this podcast