Gonstanto Industries Generic Forest Meditation #1
For entertainment purposes only. This is not to be used in place of a licensed therapist or other qualified medical aid given its satirical and comedic content. Gonsanto Industries welcomes you to the first in a series of guided meditations that will ease your mind, calm your body, and allow you to transition into a fully sleepless existence. Written, directed, and narrated by Adam Blanford. Sound effects provided by freesound.org Theme music provided by The Superluminal Project Transcript by Alexandra Douros Transcript available at https://drive.google.com/file/d/19AGiBDvMQ_JOV_-JhWtgu-2DxPtr6UTg/view?usp=sharing Content warnings: 1:30 to 1:35: mention of sedatives.3:20 to 3:39, 5:38 to 9:02: Anxious situations. 6:30 to 6:44: Threat of death.5:49 to 5:51, 6:02 to 6:05, 7:01 to 7:04, 7:44 to 7:54: loud noises. 6:14 to 6:26: mention of medical procedures.7:21 to 7:24: mention of weapons. 7:34 to 7:50: descriptions of monster. 7:50 to 8:42: death, eating.