Ep. 17 - Hunted
"Hunted" came to me in September 2010, and though I've never managed to publish it before now, it became the seed for the first of my Tipsy Fairy Tales, Blue Spirit. Having written the Road Ghosts Trilogy, I decided I needed a new direction, since I felt Brett's story had been told well enough. I wasn't quite ready to leave that universe, however, so I thought about minor characters I wanted to explore more, Skye came to mind immediately. She was funny, she had deep issues, and she'd been touched by the supernatural. But rather than stick to ghosts and ghouls and demons, I wanted something different. The following dark fairy tale still fresh in my mind, I decided that Skye would see into that fairy world. See the end of chapter 1 of Blue Spirit to fit this story in, and guess what its characters' names might be.