007: Lost in the Mail
Newly broke, Feston becomes an interplanetary GoBetween package courier. ABOUTStarTripper!! is a former file-clerk’s search for the best experience the galaxy has to offer! Transcript for this episode: startripperhq.com/007/transcriptWebsite: startripperhq.comTwitter: @StarTripperHQPatreon: patreon.com/startripperMerch: startripperhq.com/merch CAST a CREWCreated by Julian MundyProduced by Julian Mundy, Mischa Stanton a Ian McQuownWritten a Directed by Julian MundySound Design by Mischa Stanton With performances by:Ian McQuown as FestonGiselle De Silva as ProxyMichelle Agresti as The Scowleys a the Abrant CollectorMischa Stanton as the Shady TravelerJosé Donado as Javier De Silva Music by Ketsa – ketsamusic.comThis episode includes the following tracks:"Wild Plain" [title theme]"Grey Days""Trix""Talking Breeze" Thank you for flying with us!!