Tango Sector 18: Anchoress
[ an excerpt from a public access pamphlet entitled UNINCORPORATION TODAY: A MANIFESTO FOR MOVEMENT, pseudonymously attributed to Professor Emeritus ] “Union” used to be a word that meant something: solidarity, collectivity, cooperation, unity. It used to be a word which stood for something, against the hegemonic control of capitalist interest and the fungibility of worker. It may seem like ancient history now, but at one point a “union” meant a collective of workers. Our Union is a lie, a corruption of the very idea of what a union should be. Our Union calls itself a union while mechanics and engineers on Torus Station die of dehydration because the rich on Themis withhold their water. Our Union calls itself a union while factory workers on Thistle develop lung infections from the pollution levels because the rich on Themis refuse to share their air filters and purifiers. Our Union calls itself a union while miners on Snowmelt freeze to death trying to meet their quotas because Blackford a Desai needs to mass-produce engines for luxury ships that sit in dock to let the rich flaunt their wealth. What we need is not a Union: what we need is a unity. What we need is to spread the word, far and wide, that the Union does not have our best interests at heart, and that when we stand together we are more numerous, more powerful, more valuable than the Union is. What we need is to spread the word that they know we are more numerous, more powerful, more valuable than the Union is. What we need is movement: together, as one, against those who would see us starve to put food on their table, to see us suffocate so that their air is clean. What we need is to move beyond the reaches of the Sector as the Union has defined them and understand that there are better, more possible ways of living beyond their narrow constraints, and all we need to find those is each other. This week, on Tango Sector: After a smooth entrance breaking into the Martinet prison on Rho, the crew of Pelagian comes across an unexpected complication in their attempt to break out Emeritus Na. Claus plants a disruptor. Liam does what he does best. Flux gets showy. Baz gets explosive. BLACK LIVES MATTER AND POLICE/PRISON ABOLITION RESOURCES: Listen: Radical Imagination, on Police Abolition - https://radicalimagination.us/episodes/police-abolition The Appeal, What Abolitionists Mean When They Talk About Abolition (with William C. Anderson) - https://theappeal.org/the-appeal-podcast-episode-7-what-abolitionists-mean-when-they-talk-about-abolition/ The Beyond Prisons Podcast, hosted by Kim Wilson and Brian Sonenstein - https://shadowproof.com/beyond-prisons/ Read: Starer resources - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wdmTPwiZkiPZnwKauzmcZLqUTdUe00WrCIwj7r4A7Zk/edit?usp=sharing Prisons, Police a Abolition syllabus - https://becauseweveread.com/index.php/book/prisons-police-abolition/ Twitter thread of resources - https://twitter.com/time2ryot/status/1265707093509566469?s=20 The End of Policing by Alex S Vitale (free Ebook) - https://www.versobooks.com/books/2426-the-end-of-policing Against Police Violence collection (free Ebook) - https://sevenstories.com/books/4260-against-police-violence A World Without Police - http://aworldwithoutpolice.org/ Donate a Support: Ways to Support Black Lives Matter - https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/ Ways to support Black Trans People - https://www.thecut.com/2020/06/ways-you-can-support-the-black-lgbtq-community.html Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/unexploredcastFollow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/unexploredcastArt by Julianne Stone: https://twitter.com/Juli_AriaMusic by Andrew: https://andrewperricone.bandcamp.com/