Tango Sector 17: Prison Break
[[ COMMUNICATIONS ARCHIVE OF SLEEPER-CLASS SHIP S-7680 “THE ARENDT” // LAST RECEIVED TRANSMISSION // COMMUNICATION SIGNATURE: EMERITUS NA ]] Monument— I think we’re really getting close, finally, to putting this plan into action. Keep on track and let Baz know I’ll be needing a favor from them in a few days. Might want to get your bags packed and have Glitch keep his ear to the ground, so to speak, for anything coming out of the Court. More coming tomorrow. —Na This week, on Tango Sector: Working alongside the Unity Anti-Union Unincorporation, the crew of Pelagian scopes out a hidden black site prison on the surface of the abandoned planet Rho in order to break out Unity’s incarcerated leader. Claus does some tinkering. Liam gathers some invaluable intel. Flux looks for options. Baz takes control. BLACK LIVES MATTER AND POLICE/PRISON ABOLITION RESOURCES: Listen: Radical Imagination, on Police Abolition - https://radicalimagination.us/episodes/police-abolition The Appeal, What Abolitionists Mean When They Talk About Abolition (with William C. Anderson) - https://theappeal.org/the-appeal-podcast-episode-7-what-abolitionists-mean-when-they-talk-about-abolition/ The Beyond Prisons Podcast, hosted by Kim Wilson and Brian Sonenstein - https://shadowproof.com/beyond-prisons/ Read: Starer resources - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wdmTPwiZkiPZnwKauzmcZLqUTdUe00WrCIwj7r4A7Zk/edit?usp=sharing Prisons, Police a Abolition syllabus - https://becauseweveread.com/index.php/book/prisons-police-abolition/ Twitter thread of resources - https://twitter.com/time2ryot/status/1265707093509566469?s=20 The End of Policing by Alex S Vitale (free Ebook) - https://www.versobooks.com/books/2426-the-end-of-policing Against Police Violence collection (free Ebook) - https://sevenstories.com/books/4260-against-police-violence A World Without Police - http://aworldwithoutpolice.org/ Donate a Support: Ways to Support Black Lives Matter - https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/ Ways to support Black Trans People - https://www.thecut.com/2020/06/ways-you-can-support-the-black-lgbtq-community.html Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/unexploredcastFollow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/unexploredcastArt by Julianne Stone: https://twitter.com/Juli_AriaMusic by Andrew: https://andrewperricone.bandcamp.com/