The Thank-You Note
This is Scary Stories for Modern Minds. Episode 14: The Thank-You Note. Hey, y’all, it’s Caroline Mincks here. Just me. I’ve tucked away my Inexplicably English Narrator voice for the time being. I wanted to hop back on for a moment to thank everyone for their support of my very first foray into audio drama. Scary Stories for Modern Minds was so much fun to create and share, and I am eternally grateful to everyone who told me that I could and should do it when I wasn’t feeling sure of myself. Thank you to everyone who supported me and answered my questions, thank you to everyone who listened and shared the show, and thank you to all the new friends I have made since dipping my toe in the pool that is podcasting. We have an amazing community, and I am deeply thankful to everyone for welcoming me so warmly. I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween Month. Whatever you celebrate next - or not - I wish you a restful, happy, and peaceful holiday season. Take good care of yourselves and each other. Thanks again, everyone.