BUS-ted at the Demolition Derby

The town is up in arms this week after discovering the Mayor secretly sold the city's school buses to the demolition derby. It's the final straw in a long line of poor policy decisions that's been making the citizens angrier and angrier and it's got Horace steaming. Now petitions are being circulated and it looks like this mayor just might end up being recalled. Would you vote for him again? Let's hear from you, Fakahatchee!@nightdrivefm on Twitterfacebook.com/nightdrivefm and on instagram @nightdrivefminsta Visit our sponsors Crystal Chardonnay at KeyWestWines.net and get a free month of hard hitting action at DemolitionDerbyPlus.XYZ And as always keep up to date on all the local news at FakahatcheeGazette.com Nightdrive releases on the 15th of every month. Fakahatchee News releases on the last day of every month. A very special thank you to the following people who helped make this episode possible: Evan Gaustad, Ron Babcock, Nick Mundy, Nathan Greenaway, Kyle Decker and Johnny Snark they know what they did.

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