Episode Two - Firefly, The Liberator
The now completed team debates the next course of action after seeing a number of guards traveling with a number of people in a caged wagon. How exactly does Firefly gain this new title? We would love to have you join our amazing Discord community at bit.ly/NotQuiteChat! We have opened up our Patreon, found at bit.ly/NotQuitePatreon, feel free to drop in and show your support that way. We are working to finalize some benefits to joining to include special one-shot recordings and streams with the cast and some of our friends monthly!Also! We are now affiliated with Dice Envy, find your next sets of dice at bit.ly/NotQuiteDice! Theme music, the song Not Quite Heroes, by Dave Cole of the Four Orbs podcast and of DColeMusic on Youtube!https://twitter.com/FourOrbshttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKclgweFe7swHCF2g6c2B8A Sound effects and music used in this episode found at Tabletop Audio, Syrinscape, and Zapsplat.comhttps://tabletopaudio.com/https://syrinscape.com/https://www.zapsplat.com/ Promos at the end: Halfway to Heroeshttps://twitter.com/HalfwayToHeroes Adventures in Eryliahttps://twitter.com/EryliaPod