Intro Two - The Caravan
Meet Evanelle and Thadieus as they travel alongside Arival Milar and his caravan, headed towards the city of Emery. What lies in store for the party as they travel the lands of Enneria? We would love to have you join our amazing Discord community at! We have opened up our Patreon, found at, feel free to drop in and show your support that way. We are working to finalize some benefits to joining to include special one-shot recordings and streams with the cast and some of our friends monthly!Also! We are now affiliated with Dice Envy, find your next sets of dice at! Theme music, the song Not Quite Heroes, by Dave Cole of the Four Orbs podcast and of DColeMusic on Youtube! Sound effects and music used in this episode found at Tabletop Audio, Syrinscape, and Zapsplat.com Promos at the end: Fate of Isen podcast FC3 Monkey Business