(Legacy)Arcanos Adventures: Ep 2- The Redbridge Saga
Having met and been tasked with a quest from Bahumut himself, our heroes find themselves on an unfamiliar hillside overlooking a burning town. The sound of distant screams hang in the air. Smoke wafts through the breeze. Where have our heroes ended up? Thanks for tuning in, and don't forget to give our podcast a 5 star review for a shout out! Follow us on: Instagram:behold_a_dnd_podcast Twitter:@Behold_DnD, Twitch: BeholdATwitchStream, Youtube: Behold! A Youtube Channel and email us at behold.dnd.podcast@gmail.com Keep on Adventuring! Intro/Outro: Music provided by No Copyright Music: https://www.youtube.com/c/royaltyfree... Music used: Dragon War by Makai Symphony https://soundcloud.com/makai-symphony... Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...