029 - Bloody, until proven innocent
Meanwhile, still, aboard Dick "The DM's" murder mystery dinner cruise, our Bastards are knee-deep in their second course, (wonder which one of the crew that is-) and their glorious, seaworthy vessel, is, well- on its way out. Eric the preternatural parrot has flown on ahead to track down the rest of the party, the crew is down to two rather terrified mates, the bartender, one undead friend, and Talmorris is... Some kind of eldritch spellslinger? So gather 'round, all ye nautical necrofiends and water treadin' weirdos because we're all in the captain's cabin with Blazzy's holy hammer- and the only one of us with a clue, as per usual, is Cedric. Come find out whodunit before the Bastards are shark (or goddess) bait! If you have any fan art then please send it to us! We would love to see it and share it. backwaterbastards@gmail.com If you like our show then please help us grow and share it to a friend, or better yet! Head on over to Itunes and give us a 5star review and tell us about your dnd game.Support the show, send us your gold coins.https://www.patreon.com/Backwaterbastards Blaznak, Dragon Slayer a Champion of Hogswater - Even Mehl Amundsen Haex Masath, Outlaw mage and green to boot - Taylor van Biljon Cedric The Clerical Clerk, number wizz, body hacker - Devin Platts Baron DeBauch, Royal drunk - Daniel Matthews Your Dungeon MasterDick - Richard Kimber-Bell Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/Backwaterbastards)