#25: NASA (Never A Straight Answer)
Everybody loves a good fairytale. There are many stories where the heroes set off on their impossible journey but adversity strikes and threatens to derail the mission, only to be saved by the quick thinking of the crew. NASA loves to tell stories like this as well, but many people have started to ask themselves if these events that have been passed off to the public as actual missions might really be the sort of fairytales that parents read to their kids? After half a century of massive lies, NASA finds itself with a credibility problem as it attempts to sell the need for a Space Force to a weary public that has heard the stories of the space agency handing out fake Moon rocks and their “astro-nots” not being able to keep their stories straight. Add in the multiple admissions from NASA that they can’t go past low-Earth orbit and we have a rather large hole in the official Moon landing story that is large enough to fly the International Space Station through.SponsorsDelete Me: https://bit.ly/2yxo48w Cash Advance: https://bit.ly/2XVWsogFiverr: https://bit.ly/2KpYkO0Online Connection Website: www.theoctopusofglobalcontrol.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/theoctopusofglobalcontrolTwitter: www.twitter.com/macroaggressio3Twitter Handle: @macroaggressio3YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCn3GlVLKZtTkhLJkiuG7a-QApple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2LjTwu5Purchase "The Octopus Of Global Control"Amazon: https://amzn.to/3aEFFcrBarnes a Noble: https://bit.ly/39vdKeQ