#5: New World Order
It would be tempting to dismiss people discussing the New World Order as a bunch of tin foil hat wearing idiots, but why then did George H.W. Bush mention it over 200 times during his four years in office? Why is the Pope calling for a New World Order? Why are some of the most powerful people in the world all pushing for the same exact thing? The answer is that this is not just a figment of an overactive imagination. The New World Order is real, and it is coming if we allow it to happen. The push for a world government might be the thing of nightmares, but it is not a new idea. In fact, the plan has been on the drawing board for over a century, but it is only now through the use of technology that their evil plan can finally be put into place. This episode explores who is involved in the NWO, what they want, and how they intend to achieve their evil plan for world domination.SponsorsScribd: https://bit.ly/37XqNUF Curiosity Stream: https://bit.ly/3a3DyhIOnline Connection Website: www.theoctopusofglobalcontrol.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/theoctopusofglobalcontrolTwitter: www.twitter.com/macroaggressio3Twitter Handle: @macroaggressio3YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCn3GlVLKZtTkhLJkiuG7a-QPurchase "The Octopus Of Global Control"Amazon: https://amzn.to/3aEFFcrBarnes a Noble: https://bit.ly/39vdKeQ