#2: Words
These days the Thought Police have been out in full force scanning the country looking for violators of the new rules of society that have criminalized certain words while promoting others. Find yourself using an outdated word on social media and watch the mob rule try to destroy your life.If the book 1984 by George Orwell taught us anything, it is that words are powerful and that those in government would love to control the usage of these words so that only their version of reality is to be believed.Three words that have played a very important role in shaping society are problem, reaction, solution. What do the people in control know about creating a fake crisis in order to force society into a new way of thinking? Well, they wrote the book on it.By the way, the audio quality gets better as the episodes go on.SponsorsScribd: https://bit.ly/37XqNUF Curiosity Stream: https://bit.ly/3a3DyhIOnline Connection Website: www.theoctopusofglobalcontrol.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/theoctopusofglobalcontrolTwitter: www.twitter.com/macroaggressio3Twitter Handle: @macroaggressio3YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCn3GlVLKZtTkhLJkiuG7a-QPurchase "The Octopus Of Global Control"Amazon: https://amzn.to/3aEFFcrBarnes a Noble: https://bit.ly/39vdKeQ