LTC Matt Hardman - What It Takes to Be Ready
You'd be hard-pressed to find a leader who is more dedicated to the profession of arms than LTC Matt Hardman. His recent experience as Battalion Task Force and then Brigade Trainer at the National Training Center has made him one of the most tactically competent leaders in our Army today. He has a high standard for what it takes to make a unit ready for war and demands commitment. Still, he recognizes that it's not all about the mission. People matter. And in this conversation, you'll see that LTC Hardman genuinely cares about "the man behind the rank." I met Matt over VTC almost two years ago and finally in person at my own NTC rotation, where I put into practice the pile of lessons he shared with me prior to battalion command. I hope you enjoy this chat with a friend and leader who I credit with much of my own development. If you're not on The Military Leader email list yet, be sure to visit to sign up. If you would like to show your support for The Military Leader Podcast, please leave a rating and comment in iTunes. The views expressed in this podcast do not officially represent the views of the US military or the United States Government. The music for The Military Leader Podcast was composed by Iliya Ryakhovskiy, who made a custom piece for the podcast. Thanks for listening and lead well!