Brigadier General Ross Coffman - Loving Soldiers is Making Them Ready for Combat (004)
Brigadier General Ross Coffman, Deputy Commanding General of the 1st Infantry Division, joins The Military Leader Podcast to discuss the state of Army leaders after 16 years of war, how the National Training Center stretches brigade combat teams toward readiness, and why the best way to take care of Soldiers is to train them for combat. As commander of 1st Brigade, 1st Armored Division, BG Coffman launched the Ready First Podcast to flatten the leader development across the brigade and give the leaders an entirely new medium through which to engage and grow. Then in 2016, he served as Commander of the Operations Group at the National Training Center, overseeing the premier training experience for brigade combat teams across the Army. Grab a notebook and get ready for an episode packed with lessons. Thanks for listening and lead well! If you would like to show your support for The Military Leader Podcast, please leave a rating and comment in iTunes. Thank you so much for the very kind ratings and comments that many of you have left. I'm flattered to know that the podcast is making an impact! The views expressed in this podcast do not officially represent the views of the US military or the United States Government. The music for The Military Leader Podcast was composed by Iliya Ryakhovskiy, who made a custom piece for the podcast.