Steve Leonard - The Story of Doctrine Man a Leading with Perspective (002)
If you are in the military and have Facebook, you know Doctrine Man! Steve Leonard, creator of Doctrine Man and former Army strategist, shares the story of how sharing a few snarky cartoons on work email grew into a social media platform nearing 200,000 followers. Steve goes on to offer a common sense perspective of leadership that is refreshing and pragmatic. After writing several of the Army's key doctrine manuals and retiring as a Colonel, Steve transitioned to become the first Director of the Business a Organizational Leadership graduate program at the University of Kansas. Steve is also a non-resident fellow at the Modern War Institute at West Point, the co-founder of Divergent Options, a co-founder and board member of the Military Writers Guild, and a frequent contributor to the Atlantic Council’s Art of Future Warfare Project. If you would like to show your support for The Military Leader Podcast, please leave a rating and comment in iTunes. Thank you so much for the very kind ratings and comments that many of you have left. I'm flattered to know that the podcast is making an impact! The views expressed in this podcast do not officially represent the views of the US military or the United States Government. The music for The Military Leader Podcast was composed by Iliya Ryakhovskiy, who made a custom piece for the podcast.