Bonus: The Full Interview with Carmen Berkley (Ep. 7: Door-to-Door Canvassing)

The full, raw interview with Carmen Berkley of Dancing Hearts Consulting. Carmen has participated in and led door-knocking efforts for a range of issues from political campaigns to census awareness, and she has knocked on doors across America from the Mid-Atlantic to Mexico, Missouri. Learn everything you need to know from writing scripts to training canvassers to standing firm and not running away from the door when you get nervous. She also shares some hilarious, crazy stories from some of her door-knocking experiences. As she says, you never know what’s behind the door.  Resources 7 Questions with Dave Fleischer about Deep Canvassing NGP VAN Grassroots Unwired Connect with us! If you have campaign questions or want to learn more, reach out to us using the contact information below. The Campaign Workshop:  Twitter: @cmpwrkshp Instagram: @TheCampaignWorkshop Email: Joe Fuld Twitter: @joefuld Instagram: @joefuld Martín Diego Garcia Twitter: @gmartindiego Instagram: @gmartindiego

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