Ep. 6: Hiring a Good Campaign Manager (feat. Brandon Davis)
When you run for office, you need to surround yourself with people you trust and people who believe in you. Choosing a campaign manager is one of the most important decisions you will make. You may have a plethora of campaign managers waiting to work with you, or you may only have a few friends or family members to choose from. This decision is going to be tough, and so this week, Joe and Martín chat about what to look for in a campaign manager and how to find the right one for your campaign. Martín is joined by Brandon Davis, Principal at GPSImpact, and former Chief of Staff at the DNC to share with you what he thinks you need to look for in a campaign manager. Brandon has managed eight campaigns and has worked on over twenty, so he knows a thing or two about hiring campaign managers. Resources How Do I Find a Campaign Manager Blog Post Campaign Manager Hiring Guide Creating a Campaign Manager Contract Job Boards for Political and Campaign Jobs Connect with us! If you have campaign questions or want to learn more, reach out to us using the contact information below. The Campaign Workshop: Twitter: @cmpwrkshp Instagram: @TheCampaignWorkshop Email: marketing@thecampaignworkshop.com Joe Fuld Twitter: @joefuld Instagram: @joefuld Martín Diego Garcia Twitter: @gmartindiego Instagram: @gmartindiego