Special Episode: Campaigning in Times of Crisis or Disaster (COVID-19)
In 2020, the global COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic struck the United States. Campaigns up and down the ballot had to start moving their operations online as social distancing became the norm. This period challenged us all to think outside the box to come up with new practices for voter outreach and deploy new fundraising tactics. In this Special Episode of How to Win a Campaign, Joe and Martín discuss how to safely adapt to a changing environment to keep building campaign momentum. Resources Navigating Your Political Campaign and Coronavirus 100+ Best Political Campaign Tools Connect with us! If you have campaign questions or want to learn more, reach out to us using the contact information below. The Campaign Workshop: Twitter: @cmpwrkshp Instagram: @TheCampaignWorkshop Email: marketing@thecampaignworkshop.com Joe Fuld Twitter: @joefuld Instagram: @joefuld Martín Diego Garcia Twitter: @gmartindiego Instagram: @gmartindiego