PTP 26: Catching up with an old friend for a good cause
Casie (pronounced KC) Shaminski and I met last year at an event in Florida and have stayed in touch online since. We've been to the same places at the same time but haven't run into each other usually realizing after, "Hey, you were there?" Casie comes from a family of police and has first responder blood also having ties to the fire department as well. Like anyone with that kind of blood line, you know giving and caring are two traits that come naturally to her. Her Dad was a Port Authority PD for NY/NJ for 21 years. He worked the '93 WTC Bombing a lost many friends in 9/11 as well. He has been a "founding" member of Team Live Out Loud (dedicated to KC's sister, Kellie's Memory).This is his THIRD year shaving his head BALD for the cause. Casie's dad is inlvoved with raising money to fight cancer through research and treatment with the St.Bladricks Foundation. You raise funds for cancer and your pay back is to shave your head. The St Baldricks Foundation doesn't just look to help any is targetting child cancer. Kids that get cancer aren't contracting lifestyle cancer...they are just getting a raw deal on life and could use research dollars and money to help fund treatments specific to their unique needs. Every day 43 children will be diagnosed with cancer and 1 in 5 will not win the battle. Please consider donating to Casie's dad... His St Baldricks Page is: This is a great video on Children's Cancer and the hardcore mission of St Baldrick's If anyone has any questions they can Tweet Casie at @TheNameIsCasie.