020 - Enlisted commissioning programs with Capt Sam Parrish
Reed takes the opportunity to interview prior enlisted linguist, now Intel Officer, Capt Sam Parrish. Sam has made it a point to study up on the enlisted commissioning programs so that, first, he could commission himself, and now mentor his airmen who want to become officers in the Air Force. This episode covers a huge variety of enlisted commissioning programs, as well as a discussion about the transition from E to O. 03:49 - Sam's background05:49 - Enlisted commissioning programs:OTS - Talk to an OTS recruiterSLECP-A - Search on myPersSLECP-O - Search on myPersUSAFA LEAD - https://www.academyadmissions.com/prepare/enlisted/ASCP - https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/Holm-Center/AFROTC/Display/Article/1047848/SOAR - https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/Holm-Center/AFROTC/Display/Article/1047870/POC-ERP - https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/Holm-Center/AFROTC/Display/Article/1047868/IPAP - https://www.afpc.af.mil/Assignment/Enlisted_Commission/NECP - https://www.afpc.af.mil/Assignment/Enlisted_Commission/EMDP2 - https://www.afpc.af.mil/Assignment/Enlisted_Commission/HPSP/FAP - https://www.airforce.com/careers/specialty-careers/healthcare/training-and-education16:38 - Base education office19:34 - E to O transition24:26 - Prior enlisted perspective29:42 - Advice to airmen and “Priors”32:11 - The Air Force is a lifestyle35:26 - Show up, Be good at your job, Lead36:55 - Colin and Reed’s commentary38:08 - Predict the application cycle40:18 - Contact Sam in the Facebook Group (see https://www.facebook.com/groups/airforceofficerpodcast/)41:46 - Some programs are available to cadets and officers43:03 - Revisiting the base education office46:31 - Emphasizing the lifestyle of an AirmanEmail your questions and comments to airforceofficerpodcast@gmail.com. Join the discussion about the podcast, the Air Force, officership, and the Profession of Arms at https://www.facebook.com/groups/airforceofficerpodcast/.Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AirForceOfficerPodcast/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/airforceofficerpodcast/Twitter: https://twitter.com/afofficerpodReddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/afofficerpodShare your officer stories of all flavors using #officerAF.