019 - Foundation of character
Wrapping up their series of episodes on Gen Goldfein’s memo and the things the Air Force values in its officers, Colin and Reed revisit the topic of character from Episode 001 - What is an Air Force officer. Character is so foundational that it underpins most every success—and failure—as an Air Force officer. 06:17 - What is impeccable character (see https://www.usafa.edu/character/)12:40 - Leaders of character15:25 - Colin’s thoughts on character22:32 - Reed’s thoughts on character23:58 - How character foundational? (see Secretary Powell on Leadership https://youtu.be/ocSw1m30UBI)30:30 - We take integrity seriously34:34 - Failure as an officer40:48 - Training for and development of character (see AFA Conference 2019 Panel Discussion https://youtu.be/BI1IpjJkwOY) Email your questions and comments to airforceofficerpodcast@gmail.com. Join the discussion about the podcast, the Air Force, officership, and the Profession of Arms at https://www.facebook.com/groups/airforceofficerpodcast/. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AirForceOfficerPodcast/Instagram: airforceofficerpodcast. Twitter: afofficerpod. Reddit: u/afofficerpodShare your officer stories of all flavors using #officerAF.